We need books and volunteers!

The Foundation is preparing for the 2020 annual book sale. We need books and volunteers to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible!

Books can be dropped off inside the library, by the Community Room, any time the library is open beginning Jan. 6, 2020. We accept both adult and children’s hard cover and trade books, but no regular paperbacks. Books should all be in excellent condition (they should not have tears or be marked up/highlighted).

Volunteers will be needed starting the week of Jan. 13, 2020 through the last weekend of April, when the sale will be held. People can volunteer for an hour or two at a time, a few hours each week, or for as much time as they can spare. Books will need to be sorted, organized, and then stored. There will be a variety of different jobs available at the sale, including sorting books by type and genre, moving books from storage to the library and setting them up before the sale begins, managing cash registers, assisting customers in locating books, and keeping books orderly.

If you’re interested in volunteering or have any other questions, please contact us using the contact form.