Our purpose

The Somers Library Foundation is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that raises funds to support projects that beautify, modernize and enrich the offerings and capabilities of the Somers Library, our community’s intellectual and cultural center.

The Somers Library relies on public and private funding. The Town of Somers provides the Library’s annual operating budget, but this alone will not deliver the new programs, innovative services and advanced technologies Somers residents have come to expect from their Library. To tackle needs beyond the Library’s annual budget, the Foundation was formed in 2011 and serves as the Library’s philanthropic partner, raising private gifts and seeking grants to support the Library’s strategic priorities. See our most recently completed projects.

With library usage sharply on the rise, the need for a vibrant Library Foundation has never been greater. The Foundation brings together under one roof a broad base of financial support that includes local businesses, community groups, families and individuals from across our community.

Our vision

We want our Library to continue to spark imagination, inform inquisitive minds and create lifelong learners. Literate people make for literate communities and informed citizens improve the quality of life for all of us. The Foundation is committed to providing Somers with a modern and welcoming place to read and explore ideas, to connect with others, and to learn and grow.

Ways to give

Families and individuals

There are many reasons to contribute to the Somers Library Foundation, and our list of library improvement projects continues to grow thanks to your support. Check out some of the latest projects needing your support. Read more

Business sponsors

Your customers enjoy doing business with you because they know what they like. You may be surprised to learn that many of your customers are also some of the Library’s biggest fans. Join your customers and support the Somers Library by becoming a Foundation business sponsor.  Contact us to learn more about how we can put together a custom sponsorship designed specifically for your business. Check out some of the latest projects needing your support. Read more

Planned giving

Make a planned gift, leave a legacy. No matter your circumstances. No matter your age or financial situation. If leaving a legacy at the Library is important to you, talk to us about your planned giving needs. Read more

Invite a Foundation board member to speak at your next meeting

We enjoy meeting with community groups, clubs and organizations from across Somers. If you would like a Foundation board member to speak at your next meeting, please click here.

Suggested speaker topics:

  • Brave New World:  Exciting changes coming to the Somers Library
  • Small business and your public library: strategies for a successful partnership
  • Great libraries make for great communities
  • We can also develop a topic to meet the needs of your group

Foundation Board of Directors

Susan Marotta

Matthew Parisi, Secretary

Christine Whalley, President

Corinne Wynne, Treasurer

Somers Library Foundation Bylaws